CSI manages the Following Programs
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), Community Transit Service (CTS), and Meals on Wheels (MOW). CSBG, funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), provides support services such as education support, employment support, rental assistance, utility assistance, financial well-being, health and wellness, nutrition, and transportation resources.
Community Transit Service (CTS), funded by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG), provides demand response transportation in Ellis and Navarro counties.
Meals on Wheels (MOW), funded by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS), Texas Department of Agriculture, and Private Insurance Providers, provides hot, home-delivered meals to age-appropriate individuals who meet DADS requirements for services.
CSI has been a tremendous asset to the community, with outreach programs to promote health, safety, and education needs.

Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) – Overview
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is the state agency responsible for affordable housing, community and energy assistance programs, Colonia activities, and regulation of the state’s manufactured housing industry. The Department currently administers $2 billion through for-profit, nonprofit, and local government partnerships to deliver local housing and community-based opportunities and assistance to Texans in need. The Department’s resources primarily derive from mortgage revenue bond financing and refinancing, federal grants, and federal tax credits.
All TDHCA divisions regularly interact with other state and federal agencies, the state legislature, housing, and community development organizations, community assistance agencies, lending institutions, real estate interests, the media, and other public sources
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (“TDHCA”) was created on September 1, 1991.
- The 72nd State Legislature consolidated functions formerly administered by the Texas Department of Community Affairs and the Texas Housing Agency.
- The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the Emergency Nutrition and Temporary Emergency Relief Program were transferred from the Texas Department of Human Services effective September 1, 1992.
- The Texas Manufactured Housing Division was transferred from the Department of Licensing and Regulation to the Department on September 1, 1995, and made a separate administrative entity within the Department effective September 1, 2001.
To administer its assigned programs efficiently, transparently, and lawfully and to invest its resources strategically and develop high-quality, affordable housing, which allows Texas communities to thrive.
The Department accomplishes this mission by acting as a conduit for federal grant funds for housing and community services. However, because several major housing programs require the participation of private investors and private lenders, TDHCA also operates as the state’s housing finance agency.
Ensuring program compliance with the many state and federal laws that govern housing programs is another essential part of the Department’s mission. This ensures the health and safety of TDHCA’s housing portfolio and guarantees that state and federal resources are efficient and effective.
TDHCA also serves as a financial and administrative resource that helps provide essential services and affordable housing opportunities to Texans who qualify for this assistance based on their income level. Additionally, the Department is a resource for educational materials and technical assistance for housing, housing-related, and community services matters.
For more information about TDHCA, please visit their website:

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) – Overview
TxDOT provides innovative transportation in Texas. This government agency is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the state’s highway system, overseeing the state’s aviation, rail, and public transportation systems. TxDot has many beautification campaigns, outreach, and education. TxDOT is organized into 25 geographical districts and 34 divisions.
The Texas Legislature established the Texas Highway Department in 1916 to govern federal highway construction and maintenance. In 1975, the agency merged with the Texas Mass Transportation Commission to create the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation.
In 1986, the department started using “Don’t Mess with Texas” as its slogan to reduce littering on Texas roadways as part of a statewide advertising campaign.
In 1991, the Legislature created the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) by combining the following departments: the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation, the Department of Aviation, and the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission.
In 1997, the pre-existing Texas Turnpike Authority (TTA) was divided into two successor agencies: the North Texas Tollway Authority and the Turnpike Authority Division. NTA took responsibility for TTA assets in four North Texas counties, while the Turnpike Authority Division of Texas DOT covered the remaining toll facilities in the state.
In 2009, the State Legislative created the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to take over some responsibility from TxDOT.
Connecting you with Texas.
For more information about TxDOT, please visit their website:

Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services – Overview
Texas has 28 Area Agencies on Aging that serve communities, older residents, their family members, and caregivers.
DADS administers long-term services for people who are aging as well as for people with physical, intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Key responsibilities to the citizens of Texas include:
- Working in partnership with consumers, caregivers, service providers, and other stakeholders.
- Developing and improving service options responsive to individual needs and preferences.
- Ensuring and protecting self-determination, consumer rights, and safety.
Almost 13% of Texans — 3.7 million people — are age 65 and older, and the number is growing. It is projected that by 2050, Texans age 65 and older will increase to 8.3 million, representing 17% of the state’s population. This growth likely means there will also be an increase in the need for all health and human services, such as health care, home care, personal care, and long-term care.
Texas Health and Human Services provide a range of services for older Texans to help ensure their well-being, dignity, and choices. Programs also are in place to support family caregivers.
Experienced HHS staff and paid contractors can help eligible older Texans access services that:
- Create opportunities to live independently in their own homes.
- Provide information about state and federal benefits and legal rights.
- Give family caregivers the tools to do their job.
- Provide access to meals at home or in group settings.
- Identify assisted living facility care, daytime programs, or nursing home services they may qualify for.
- Advocate for people who live in assisted living facilities or nursing homes.
- Guide people to the right long-term care services.
Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS), a state agency catering to the needs of the elderly and disabled population, is housed at the John H. Winters Human Services Center at 701 West 51st Street, Austin, TX.
DADS operated the state-supported living centers (formerly “state schools”), which are centers for severely disabled people. In September 2017, DADS’ functions were merged into the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.
To administer a comprehensive array of aging and disability services supports, and opportunities easily accessed in local communities.
For more information about the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS), please visit their website:

North Central Texas Council of Government (NCTCOG) – Overview
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) is a voluntary association of, by, and for local governments, established to assist in regional planning. NCTCOG’s purpose is to strengthen local governments’ individual and collective power and help them recognize regional opportunities, eliminate unnecessary duplication, and make joint decisions. NCTCOG’s programs and departments comprise of transportation, planning, environment, development, aging and disability resources, emergency preparedness, demographic research, regional training, criminal justice, 911 emergency numbers, a regional police academy, and more.
Formed in January 1966, NCTCOG has over 230 member governments, including 16 counties, numerous cities, school districts, and special districts. Situated in Arlington, TX, NCTCOG is a proud member of the Texas Association of Regional Councils.
An association of, for, and by local governments. To assist its members in planning for common needs, cooperating for mutual benefit, and recognizing regional opportunities for improving the quality of life in North Central Texas.
For more information about NCTCOG, please visit their website:

Texas Department of Agriculture – Overview
The agency’s key objectives are to promote production agriculture, consumer protection, economic development, and healthy living. TDA is a diversified state agency that provides value-added services through our regulatory and marketing initiatives. TDA is headquartered in Austin and has five regional service offices, two sub-offices, three laboratories, and five livestock export facilities.
The 13th Texas Legislature established TDA in 1907. TDA is headed by the Texas Agriculture Commissioner, one of four heads of state agencies which is elected by statewide ballot for a four-year term, concurrent with the gubernatorial election
To partner with all Texans to make Texas the nation’s leader in agriculture, fortify our economy, empower rural communities, promote healthy lifestyles, and cultivate winning strategies for rural, suburban, and urban Texas through exceptional service and the common threads of agriculture in our daily lives.
For more information about the Texas Department of Agriculture, please visit their website: